Posted on Tuesday 27 August 2024
Friday 6th September. The subject is “Maritime Lessons Learnt from the Ukraine Conflict” presented by Dr Duncan Redford a published naval historian and ex Naval Officer who now works for the Operational Advantage Centre (previously known as the maritime Warfare Centre).
Friday 4th October speaker Our October speaker will be bringing to light the staggering and very secret work undertaken by The Hydrographic Department of the Navy during WW2. The speaker will be Dr Adrian Webb who is also highly regarded historian and author whose book Churchill’s Secret Chart Makers is the title of his talk.
Friday 1st November will be Colonel Broadbent RM presenting on The Future Commando Force of the Royal Marines. The deep modernisation programme transforming the role and operations of the Royal Marines using sophisticated equipment and technology. This promises to be another fascinating talk.
The meetings are held at the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth. Members gather in the bar from 1800 onwards for a chat before a bar snack or a meal in the Club’s restaurant prior to the lecture beginning at 2000.
For further details and booking a seat please contact Graham Bryant at mob 07587 663392.