Our mission is to offer fellowship plus a range of benefits and services, including financial assistance utilising the RNOC to provide relevant lifelong support and to enhance the quality of life for officers of the Royal Naval Service.

The Association of Royal Navy Officers (ARNO) is the membership organisation for all Royal Navy, Royal Marines and QARNNS officers along with their Maritime Reserve counterparts. Officers from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, WRNS, RNVR and SCC are also welcome. You can join us from your first day at Dartmouth or Lympstone, then stay with us right through your career and on into civilian life.


To offer fellowship plus a range of benefits and services, including financial assistance utilising the RNOC to provide relevant lifelong support and to enhance the quality of life for officers of the Royal Naval Service.

  • To achieve annual net growth in membership from within the eligible population.
  • To identify the membership needs of all members and provide or develop membership benefits and services to meet those needs.
  • Through the provision of outsourced services to RNOC, promote the charity and assist in the delivery of non-financial benevolence to current and future beneficiaries.
  • Engage more closely with other related Naval Associations with a view to take advantage of anticipated collaborative and consolidation opportunities where appropriate.

The Association is administered by a Council which comprises serving and retired officers from all arms of the Royal Naval service.

You’ll find full details of our objectives, responsibilities, structures and governance set out in our Constitution.

The Royal Navy Officers' Charity (RNOC) have supported
officers and their families since 1739