We welcome ex Wrens and Reserves, and women who have served or are still serving in the RN, RNR and Commonwealth Navies. Benefits include reunions and social & ceremonial events throughout the UK; others may choose to meet locally with organised Branches. We publish a colourful in-house magazine three times a year with articles and images from those serving at sea, at home and from veterans of all decades. Up to date news and invitations to prestigious venues and sporting events are posted on our website and FB page.
Further details from HQ 02392 725141 Email: office@wrens.org.uk
Visit website: http://www.wrens.org.uk/
The Britannia Association charity is the Alumni Association for Britannia Royal Naval College whose broad charitable aims are to support BRNC and its trainees through grants, events and communications. As an Alumni Association it aims include provision for a network of communication between members and events to enable such communication. The Association is well founded and continues to grow from strength to strength meeting its aims and charitable objectives.
Visit website: https://britanniaassociation.org.uk/
Invites all Royal Navy and Royal Marine Officers Serving or retired including reserve Officers to become members. The Association stimulates interest in Naval affairs and also aims to promote social contact and comradeship between members and those of similar organisations. A high priority is given to supporting Service Charities. Meetings are held every month at Royal Engineers HQ, Brompton Barracks Chatham and there are also lectures, visits, social gatherings and formal dinners. Contact Secretary, Commander David Houston SAN, The Rectory, Hook Green Rd, Southfleet DA13 9NQ. Telephone 01474 833252 or david@houstonclan.net
Visit website: http://www.cnoa.org.uk/
The Association exists to promote ever stronger links between serving, reserve and retired officers. Membership is open to officers who have served a full appointment on the staff of HMS COLLINGWOOD, MERCURY, CAMBRIDGE, DRYAD, VERNON or the MWC. There are varying rates of Annual Subscription depending on types of membership. Social events occur throughout the year in the Wardroom and members and families are warmly encouraged by the Mess President to attend Wardroom Mess functions. The Committee meets every 3 months and Minutes are published on the OA website. For further details, e-mail the Officers’ Association Secretary at hmscoasec@btinternet.com
Visit website: http://www.hmscoa.org/
Since the early 1960s, Officers of the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines and their Reserves have been meeting at CTCRM to maintain their interest in the Service amidst like-minded company. Monthly lectures are preceded by supper in the Officers’ Mess. Of the 200 members throughout the South West, some 40 to 50 normally attend on any given evening. There is a vibrant visits programme and the Flotilla is responsible for the annual Trafalgar Service in Exeter Cathedral. Social events include an Annual Lunch, Golf Competition and Dinner. Please visit the website for further details.
Visit website: http://www.exeterflotilla.org.uk/
For officers who served with the Fleet Air Arm. Full membership is open to officers of all specialisations who are serving or have served, in the Fleet Air Arm. Associate Membership is also available to those with close connections with the FAA. The annual subscription entitles all members world-wide to a 60 page, colour FLY NAVY News Sheet magazine three times a year, a comprehensive members-only web site and a members register. The Association supports youth training by providing Gliding Scholarships and supporting the Sea Cadets. Social activities include a Taranto Night Dinner and local meetings. Applications can be made viafaaoa@fleetairarmoa.org
Visit website: https://fleetairarmoa.com/
Membership is open to all RN, RM and Reserve Officers. Associate membership is also available to ex-officers of the Army, RAF and Merchant Navy. Meets several times a year and dines. Details from Honorary Secretary, Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Alan John Williams RNR. 13 Marland Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, SK8 6AQ alanjohnw@yahoo.co.uk
Membership is open to all RN, RM, Reserve and Sea Cadet Officers. Some associate membership is also available. Well attended annual dinner for members and guests usually at HMS FORWARD with a senior officer as principal guest and Royal Marines Orchestra. The Association is long established and enjoys a close relationship with the City of Birmingham’s affiliated ship HMS DARING, the RNR Training Units HMS FORWARD and HMS SHERWOOD (Nottingham) and Birmingham and Aston University through URNU, DTUS and HMS EXPLOIT.
Membership £10 per annum. Enquiries to Honorary Secretary Lt Cdr R M Woodgate RD* RNR 01564 773770 or richard@tiddyoggy.co.uk
A lively organisation for past and present naval officers and others, offering a varied and interesting programme covering matters of maritime interest in a friendly environment. Membership open to men and women who hold or have held a commission in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, their reserves, associated formations or other services, and to others sympathetic to the traditions and values of the Royal Navy. Residence in Sussex and service in the forces are not conditions of membership. Enquiries to Membership Secretary, Joe Kirk, 01903 523206 / sano.membership@gmail.com
Visit website: http://www.sussexnavy.org
An association of serving and retired officers of the RN, RM and their Reserves. It aims to maintain the camaraderie shared in the Service and provide a varied and interesting programme of lectures and social events. The Association normally meets on the first Friday of most months in HMS NELSON Wardroom. Members and their guests gather for lunch on the first Sunday in the month following the church service in St Ann’s, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth. A formal Annual Dinner is held in March along with other social events. Enquiries to the Hon. Secretary Lieutenant Commander D.J. Robinson RN robinsondj@live.co.uk
Founded in Paris in 1950, the Association has some 35 members. Membership is open to all who have served in the Royal Navy, Royal Naval Reserves, Royal Marines, WRNS, QARNNS or in the French Navy. Associate membership is open to those who support the interests and aims of the Association. A luncheon is held each month as well as an annual dinner, to which members, guests and their partners are welcome. The Naval Attache is the Honorary President. Information: Mr Michael Hunt, 7 rue du Centre, 92200 Neuilly sur Seine. tel: 0608 406 974 email: mjzhunt@gmail.com
With some 16,000 members across 300+ branches in the UK and overseas, we are a family of current and former Naval Service personnel, relatives and supporters of our country’s Royal Navy. Whether we are catching up with friends at our regular social events; fundraising; advising on welfare and employment matters, or just providing an arm around the shoulder, our natural willingness to help others stems from the tradition and camaraderie that only Naval Service life can instil. Everything we do is inextricably linked to our core values.
Visit website: https://www.royal-naval-association.co.uk/
Membership consists of serving and retired officers of the Naval Reserves and others with empathy towards maritime interests. Informally known as the “Sea Urchins” with the motto “Hold Fast”. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month for lunch in the wardroom of HMS Eaglet. We have other regular social events and guests, especially ladies, are welcome at all our lunches and social occasions. Members will be informed of these events by newsletter. Details from the Honorary Secretary, Tony Muncer, 131 Dibbins Hey, Spital, Wirral, CH63 9HE email anthony.muncer@btinternet.com
Visit website: http://www.rnrofficersclubliverpool.org/
The Association provides a convivial environment for socialising with fellow Naval officers, both active and retired, and to keep abreast of current developments in the Service and maintain Naval traditions. Monthly suppers and lectures are held from September to April on general naval, maritime and related subjects at the Dolphin Hotel, High Street, Southampton; an Annual Dinner is held in March and also a Trafalgar Night Dinner, both at the Southampton University Officer Training Corps. The annual subscription is £20 and full membership is open to serving and retired officers of the RN, RM, QARNNS and their Reserves; associate membership is available to serving and retired officers of other Services and the Merchant Navy as well as to civilians having an interest in the Royal Navy. Further details from the Honorary Secretary: Cdr Anthony Stickland RNR, 3 Kivernell Road, Milford on Sea, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 0PP; mob 07928 384393; email honsec.srnoa@acrs1.plus.com. Website www.srnoa.org.uk
Visit website: http://www.srnoa.org.uk/
The White Ensign Association, now in its 60th year, offers one to one guidance and referrals in all matters of employment, personal finance, civilian transition and resettlement, personal administration and any general welfare issue. The WEA’s offices are located in HMS BELFAST, London and staff also regularly visit all UK Naval and Royal Marine establishments. Visit the website for further details, e-mail office@whiteensign.co.uk, phone 020 7407 8659 or write to the WEA, HMS BELFAST, Tooley Street, London, SE1 2JH
Visit website: https://www.whiteensign.co.uk/