Posted on Wednesday 24 January 2024

Guests aboard the expedition cruise vessel MS Island Sky in the Pacific were delighted to see a close pass by the Royal Navy’s Offshore Patrol Vessel HMS TAMAR whilst Island Sky was en route to Pitcairn Island earlier today. HMS TAMAR is permanently stationed in the Asia Pacific region.

The preplanned mid-ocean rendezvous was the result of detailed planning between the bridge teams of both vessels.

HMS TAMAR initially crossed the stern of Island Sky then took up station on the port beam, close enough for our guests to see her clearly, before executing a very tight turn away from Island Sky. Commanding Officer of TAMAR, Commander Tom Gell Royal Navy, made a broadcast to Island Sky’s guests which was relayed via the public address system on board our vessel. In it he wished them an enjoyable holiday and visit to Pitcairn along with the best wishes of the Royal Navy. Cruise Director Neil Horrocks said “it was a real surprise and delight moment for our guests who were interested to see TAMAR’s dazzle painting when we are used to seeing warships in battleship grey”. The Master of Island Sky, Captain Jose Fonseca, said “it was superb to meet up with HMS TAMAR mid-ocean and I must admit to being very jealous of their turning circle!”.

Navigating Officer of TAMAR, Lieutenant Samuel James Williams Royal Navy said “We hope the guests enjoyed our meeting. Our team really enjoyed the opportunity to meet up with fellow mariners somewhere remote”.

Expedition team member and retired Royal Marine Warrant Officer Mike Bowen delivered a presentation to guests aboard Island Sky about TAMAR, her capabilities and work whilst deployed in the region.

Huge thanks to the Royal Navy and the crew of HMS TAMAR for making this possible and for highlighting the vital work our Navy undertakes worldwide.

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